HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 10 1982 CM 93 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES August 10, 1982 Minutes of the regular council meeting held in the city municipal building August 10, 1982. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Jr., Councilmembers Becky A. Hopkins, Dwain A. Kinghorn, LeRoy S. Quick, Attorney B. Lynn Winmill, Public Works Director Steven M. Smart, City Clerk Vera C. Armstrong. Councilman Thomas S. Nield excused. Meeting called to order at 7:48 p.m. by Mayor Cotant. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Uses of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. Mayor Cotant called the hearing open. Rodney Watkins, Executive Director of Southeast Idaho Council of Governments, appeared before council and informed council that qrants will still be available throuqh Economic Development proqram. Mr. Watkins reminded council that SICOG has been furnishinq Chubbuck residents with meals on wheels and senior citizen function. Mr. Watkins requested city consider budqetinq for SICOG dues with Federal Revenue Sharinq Funds. The dues structure for Chubbuck would be $1269.36. Mayor Cotant made some proposals for revenue sharing which include $50,000. for purchase of a park; $10,000 for computer; $10,000 for radio system; $10,000 for street repairs, $3,000. for crime prevention vehicle and $10,000. for payment on fire truck. With no further input, Mayor Cotant closed the public hearing on Federal Revenue Sharing. TRANSIT SYSTEM - Tell Bus System - Ron Bingelli was present and reminded council that he had promised he would return prior to budget time and make proposal as to the Tello Bus System. Mr. Bingelli said they have considered a route north to Stuart Avenue or Siphon Road and then west to Hawthorne and south to Quinn Road. Mr. Bingelli said that the transportation to the Pine Ridqe Mall is approx- imately 20% of their service. Mr. Binqelli said that for $5200. the Tello Bus System will put Tello Bus System into Chubbuck. Mr. Bingello suggested mayor and council consider that this is one thin~ the City of Chubbuck can do for their senior citizens. Bob Mitchell, Manager of the Pine Ridge Mall was present and remarked that Pine Ridge Mall has made a visible improvement to Chubbuck and that Pine Ridge Mall and all merchants are very interested in the continuation of the bus system. SIGNAL LIGHT CONTRACT - Cooperative agreement to do the construction on the Yellowstone Chubbuck Road Signal Light Project was studied by the council and mayor. SIGNAL LIGHT CONTRACT continued to adopt 95 Councilwoman Ropkins mov6d RESOLUTION #5-82 concerning a cooperative agreement stating obligations of the State and the City in the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Yellowstone Avenue (U. S. Highway 91) and Chubbuck Road, and authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement on behalf of City. Councilman Quick seconded motion. Roll call vote: Hopkins, yes; Kinghorn, yes; Quick, yes. RESOLUTION # 6-82 - Signal Maintenance Agreement was read in full by Public Works Director Steven M. Smart. Councilman Quick moved to approve Resolution #6-82 on the Cooperative Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement stating the obligations of the State and the City of Chubbuck. Councilman Kinghorn seconded motion. Roll call vote: Hopkins, yes; Kinghorn, yes; Quick, yes. RESOLUTION 7-82 - Agreement for maintenance of Yellowstone Avenue (U.S Highway 91) was read in full by city clerk Vera C. Armstrong. Councilman Kinghorn moved to adopt Resolution #7-82 stating obligations for the State and City of Chubbuck for maintenance of Yellowstone Avenue (U.S. Highway 91). Councilwoman Hopkins seconded motion. Roll call vote: Hopkins, yes; Kinghorn, yes; Quick, yes. GENERAL DISCUSSIONS: 1) B. Lynn Winmill reported that on billing for fire calls, his opinion would be that the city can bill when a fire call has been made, providing the billing is uniform and if the provisions are enforced uniformly. CLAIMS - Computer print-out claims and list of hand check claims presented to Mayor and Council. After thorough review, Councilman Kinghorn moved to approve computer print-out claims and hand check claims as presented. Councilwoman Hopkins seconded motion. All councilmembers voted in favor of motion. Councilman Quick moved, Hopkins seconded, with council approval to adjourn meeting until 4:30 p.m., Tuesday//,~&ugust 17. ~/~ ~.~hn O. Cotant, Jr., Mayor/ a C. Armstrong, City Clerk~//