HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 25 1997 CM193 COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES November 25, 1997 Minutes of regular meeting held at city municipal building, November 25, 1997. Present: Mayor John O. Cotant, Council members Leroy S. Quick, W. Dean Wood, Marvin A. Gunter, Attorney Thomas J. Holmes, Public Works Director Steven M. Smart and City Clerk Ron C. Conlin. Councilman Steven M. England was excused. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor John O. Cotant. PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mayor Cotant asked for corrections or additions to Regular Meeting Minutes of November 25, 1997. Councilman Quick moved to approve regular meeting minutes of November 11, 1997 as read. Councilman Wood seconded. All council members present voted in favor of motion. TABLED PUBLIC HEARING - An application by Steve Camolatarro, 435 E. Chubbuck Rd. For a change in Land Use District to General Commercial, (C-2). Property is presently zoned, (~t-2). At the November 11, 1997 Council Meeting, City Council determined that City Staff discuss ordinance requirements of C-2 zoning with the Camolatarro;s prior to approval of the requested zone change. The following items were discussed with Steve and Trisha Camolatarro: 1. Parking - the driveway to the parking areas must be paved in addition to the parking; 1 space for each 2 employees and 2 for each household is required. 2. Landscaping - (Green area) - 10ft. Width the entire frontage, excepting a 25-36 foot approved access approach. 1,1 1/2"-2" diameter deciduous tree required per 50 lineal feet of green area. Sprinkler irrigation strongly recommended. 3. East fencing to be completed by December 25th. As stated by Mr. Camolatarro in the November 11, 1997 Council Meeting. Buffering requirements of the fencing discussed as well. Fence to be at least 6" in height and maintained. 4. Nuisances q Keep the property clean and free of weeds, trash, junk cars, etc. Dust abatement measures must be taken. 195 TABLED PUBLIC HEARING - CAMOLATARRO ZONE CHANGE - 435 E. CHUBBUCK ROAD - (cont.) 5. Business Sign - If planned a permit is required and the Uniform Sign Code must be followed. Mr. Camolatarro stated, he agrees to all the General Commercial, (C~2) requirements above. Council gave Mr. Camolatarro until July 15, 1998 to have the parking requirement completed. Councilman Gunter moved to accept the Land Use and Development Commission's recommendations to approve the application by Steve Camolattaro for a change in Land Use District from, (R-2), to General Commercial, (C-2), on property at 435 E. Chubbuck Road. Councilman Wood seconded. All council members present voted in favor of motion. DAVID FULLER, 4870 BUFFALO ROAD - BOUNDARY DISCUSSION - David Fuller, 4870 Buffalo Road was present to find out if his property is in Chubbuck City Limits. PWD Smart stated, Mr. Fuller's property, 4870 Buffalo road is in Chubbuck City Limits. Mr. Fuller asked if there is a petition, or a letter he can write, presenting reasons why he would like to be deannexed from the City. Mr. Fuller was directed to draft a letter and present to City Clerk Conlin. BUS1NESS LICENSE APPLICATION - Cindy Brower, Edward Jones Company, 291 James has applied to for a license to go door to door handing out brochures in the City. Cindy Brower stated she does not plan on starting going door to door until January I, 1998. Police Department recommended approval of the application. Councilman Gunter moved to grant a business license to Cindy Brower, 291 James to go door to door in the City effective January 1, 1998. Councilman Wood seconded. All council members present voted in favor of motion. BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION - Darrell Pinney, 4401 Commerce Circle, Idaho Falls, has applied for license to sell Christmas trees at 4240 Yellowstone Ave. (Wal-Mart Parking Lot). Police Department recommended approval of the license. Councilman Wood moved to grant a business license to Darrell Pinney, Elve's Christmas Forest to sell Christmas trees at 4240 Yellowstone Ave., (Wal-Mart Parking Lot). Councilman Gunter seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. 197 ORDINANCE - Amending Section 13.04.095 to provide that turn on/off fee shall be set from time to time by resolution of the City of Chubbuck; amend Section 13.04.040 to provide for prorated billing where occupied for more than one month. Attorney Holmes read ordinance in full for the second reading. Council tabled the ordinance until the December 9, 1997 Council Meeting. ORDINANCE #477 - Annexing certain lands to be included within the boundaries and jurisdictional limits of the City ofChubbuck, Idaho, specifying the zoning classification which shall be applied to said lands newly annexed to the City of Chubbuck; directing the Chubbuck City Clerk to comply with the filing requirements contained in Idaho Code Section 63-2215. Mayor Cotant read Ordinance #477 in full for the first and final reading. Councilman Quick moved to repeal Ordinance #474. Councilman Wood seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, absent; Gunter, yes; Wood, yes. Councilman Wood moved to dispense with the rule requiring Ordinance #477 to be read on three separate days. Councilman Gunter seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, absent; Gunter, yes; Wood, yes. Councilman Quick moved to adopt Ordinance #477 as read. Councilman Wood seconded. Roll Call Vote: Quick, yes; England, absent; Gunter, yes; Wood, yes. ORDINANCE - A[nending Section 10.08.080 to the Chubbuck Municipal Code to define where a person using roller skates, in-line skates, skateboards, coaster and similar devices may travel or not travel. Mayor Cotant read ordinance by title only for the first reading. Council tabled the ordinance until the December 9, 1997 Council Meeting. REQUEST FOR RECORDS DESTRUCTION APPROVAL - Police Chief Jerry Rowland stated it has been determined by our department that the following files will be destroyed after the required retention period is met: Rider Liability Forms, House check forms, Parking Tickets, Uniform Citations, Pre-Trial Notices, Subpoenas, summer or court workers and Duplicate Receipt Books or Unofficial Ledgers. Councilman Wood moved to approve destruction of files as presented. Councilman Quick seconded. All council members present voted in favor of motion. CLAIMS - Computer print-out claims present to Mayor Cotant and Council. Councilman Gunter moved to approve computer print-out claims as presented. Councilman Wood seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. 199 At 8:15 p.m., Councilman Quick moved, Councilman Wood seconded, with full council approval to adjourn meeting. Ron C. Conlin, City Clerk JERRY L. ROWLAND Chle! of Police P. CHUBBUCK POLICE DEPARTME NT 5160 YeNowstone Avenue' ' P. O. Box 5604 ~" ' ' ~" ChuDbuck, Idaho 83202-5604 Phone (208) 237-7172 Emergency (208) 237.0770 "EMERGENCY 9-1-1" FAX (208) 237-0@44 i'qovember 6, 1997 TO: Chubbuck City Council FROM: Chief Rowland RE: Record Destruction~ . '.'.~ ''.',. Chubbuck Police De rtmen .: .! : . :%. .'. : '~.;' ~' " ', .'-'. t; , .. · ndlcated. 1 R~ ' ~ .... ' .......... _ ~e~ ~ ~ ~ , .... ,.. , · .. .... ~., -.~_ c ~t~A~ ~ -,The, r ' ' "", ' u~ent e , , , ,... o, ~l..,w~ :.1~ .... Y aF, lite8 ~,{~{-~._.,.~ ~ept durzn~ the . ~ ~.~.., , .g~ . ..:~:_,~:~ ~ . ..,... ~. . ..~.:.. " = ~'~=--"or~ga~a~: w~ll 'be. ~ept during the current year, aad find, :fo~ o~' year a,f~r ~S~ ~ything older than current yea~ + l'~wall 'be;':~ee~r ~er. ~ . - . ,... .... oyed.:.and not keU~ cu~ ..... -ig~T,~~ .' - ,' '~'ne orl'~'a~ .- ,.,~ ~ ~ .=_- J :. '. ckets are ent~--~` ~,' ~'~.' -. . , . ~'or. on~ v~ ~=~ ~Y ticket older t~ ,~,~h~pu~er .g~te~%..t~ne'~ing disD ~All ~- ~ uny other ma~erT' =~ , ,.u:; ,...r,. ~:.W.~& De.. destroyed and n cita~_~ear of issue, .:~nd. ~Si~ f'~, ne Kept for durin~ the R~,_~ are entered "in ' ~-~- -~r. -~*=. ~year after this. A~ 1 Court, a .... ~ Zi,_~==~ons are. the reeoons~i~"~. _ and no~ ~2~~%uanz°n older than cu~ ,,i~'~~ o~. ~zxth D~strict ~ ~=p= in any other ~er. "~==~ + z wzll be destroyed 5. ~-~e-Trial Notices (City P=osec~tor} kept during ~he current year, and filed for one year after this. .Anything - The originals will be older than current year + 1 will be destroyed and not kept in any other manner. 6. S~ubpoenas (CiliUm.or C.o,_~.~ty~ - The originals wall be ket duri the current year, _a~d ~lder than current e ~or on~ year after th' ' P ~n9 other manner y ar + I W~ll be ~estroved an~ ~'~ .An~=hang - ~ ~ ~vu ~ep~ in any NOV OG '97 05:lGPM CHUBBUCK POLICE P.~/3 7. S~um~e= or Court Worker -Any origi~ai information on temporary volunteers or Job Service Program employees Will be kept during their time cf e~mploy~ent, then for one year after the last date of work. After this, information will be destroyed and not kept in any other manner. s. ~u li~i~i~ ~ ~oo~s or ~no~ i~ial Led er and copies wi retained by hard copy for 5 years from the da~e 11 be- ..... -~- xcial Led ers - All duplicates of iSSuance. After this, they will be destroyed and not kept in any other manner. Under Idaho Code 50-907, these items are considered "semipermanent records., and only shall be kept for 5 years. It has been determined by our department that long terra retention of the above items will serve no useful purpose in our recordkeeping functions. We respectfu!ly request your permission to destroy the above mentioned items as described.- ~lease note that #3 agd %4, marking Tickets . Citations older than the declde~ ~=~--~ ..... and Un~form by a court Worker durin~ -- --~=~uion ~lmlus, were destroyed th~ week of October 5, 1997. The the above categories are being held pending your approval,rest of Approved: Date: