HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 11 1997 CM183 COUNCIL HEETING nINU-,ES November 11~ !S97 Minutes of regular meeting held at city municipal November !1~ 1997, building Present: Mayor John O, Cotant, Couneilmembers Leroy S. Quick~ Steven H~ England~ W. Dean Wood, Marvin A. Gunter~ Attorney Thomas J. Holmes~ Public Works Director Steven Iff. Smart and City Clerk Ron C, Con!in, Meeting was called to order at 7;32 p.m. by Hayer John O. Cotant. PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE ELAG APPROVAL OF blINUTES: Nayor Cotant asked for corrections or additions to RegnlaP Meetin~ Minutes of October 28, 1997 and Special Meeting Hinutes of November 5, ].997. Councilman %~'ood ~,v,~ ~ m~, ~c, to apprc~e Regular Meeting Minutes of' October ~ 1997 as read seconded, Ail counsel! membe?s voted Jn Councilman Quick favor of motion. C.~,un~::lman Guno~ moved Lo approve, Special Meeting Minutes of Oc teber ~ 1997 ~ as read. Councilman England seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. PUBLIC HEARING An application Chubbuck Road for a cNange Commercial, { ~ '~ Property bM Steve Campolatsrro, 435 E. in Land Use District to Genera] is presently zoned~ Navor Cotant declared '-~ · · hn~ lpub!ic hearing open. Ma~or Cotant stated there are residents in the area that an~ ±~:~.o of Mr. Campolaharl-o~s proper'ty~ Mayor Cotsnt suggested: if the application is approved~ and Mrs. Cammolatarro will be required to comply with all City Ordinances . Hr. Campolat'arro has not complied with requirements that were put on Mr, Campolatarro~s conditional use permit to operat, e the bLlsiness. Mr. Campo!atsrro ~at=d he has installed a portion of the ~e~ce: ~t~n~ he will install the rest of 'the fence, prior Mayor Cotant declsmed the public hearing closed. Project Engineer =er_. Dixon stated, with the request 'ho change zoning to commercial, there are <~ddzt~onal requirements that will have to be completed~ such as paving employee parking spaces. " 185 PUBLIC HEARING - STEVE CA}iPOLATARRO~ 435 E. CHUBBUCH ROAD - (cont.) Council decided tc table the request for change of zoning to Commercial~ until City Staff can discnse with Mr. and Mrs. Campolatarro al! ordinance requirements that will be required of them. Hr. and ~rs, Campolatarro were directed to meet with City Staff prior to the November 25~ 1997 Council Meeting. PUBLIC BEARING - An application by Eeith Robinson~ 1113 Booth Road, Pocatello~ Idaho for m change in Land Use District to General Commercial~ {0-2~ for property located at 400 Block, sonth side of East Chubbuck road. Property is presently zoned, Limited Residential, (R-2}. Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open. Trisha Campo~atarro, 435 E. Chubbuck Road was present to speak for Keitb Robinson~ because he is out of town. Mrs. Campolatarro stated Keith Robinson feels he cannot use or sell his property as residential because of 'the railroad ties owned by raffish Cc. to the west of the property. There being no fnrther comment, Mayor Cotant declared the public bearing closed. Councilman Wood moved to accept the Land Use and Development Commission's recommendation to approve the application by Keith Robinson for property located at 400 Block, sontheast side of East Chubbuck road for a Land Use District change from Besidentia!~ IR-2), tc General Commercial, (0-2/. Councilman Gunter seconded. All council members voted in favor of motion. PUBLIC HEARINGS - An application lay the City of Chubbuck, 5160 Yellowstone Ave. for change of Land Use District to General Commercia!~ [C-2} Sot A~enda Item #3 for Lot 16 Highway Subdivisiz,~, {204 Hi~fay Ave), Agenda Item #4 for Lot 15, 156 H4way Ave. amd Agenda Item #5 for the southerll~ 111 feet of Lot 14 High~a? Acres~ (144 Hiway Ave.) Properties are presently zoned Residential, Ha:?or Cotant declared the public hearing open. PWD Smart e~{elained the zoning will go all 'the wa~~ to Hiway Ave.~ Pathe~. than just the northern half of properties. PWD Smart. suggested as long as City cwns all the i?roperty~ there will be less chance o~ complaints about use by Cit3- from neighbors. 187 - "*~ .... - -~Hd3BhCK - !44, 156 AND 204 HIWAY AVE - PUBLIC HE~-~,~I!~c~o CITY OF CHANGE OF ZONING - (cent, Councilman Wood stated he understood we bought the property with intentions of selling the southerly half of property, while using the ~iortherly half for City property. Councilman Wood felt the City could have went to George Shiozawa and bought property for City use, a lot less than what we paid for the Hiway Ave. properties. Councilman Wood stated we could se].] the fou~ properties for at least S~0~000. each. Mayor Cotant ~ ' the residents en Hiway Ave. were told the City would purchase d ..... homes~ use the northerly portion of proper %y for em Discassion about dividing the lots, rezoning Ishe northerly half, leaving the so~ther]_.~ half of the property as residential. Craig Tinkham~ 151 Hiway Ave. spoke in favor of City zoning 'the p~'operties Commercial all the way to Hiway Ave. Tinkham stated the City should not sell the southerly portion of 'the prosertles, City should keep the complete control of properties. DwaJn Kino~horn, !45 Hi~.ay Ave. spoke in favor of the zone change a presented. Mr. Kinghorn said he is not in favor of City sellin~ off the southerly half of the properties Mr. Kinghorn asked what is the reasoning for not platting. PWD Smart stated~ be did not feel the City should go to the ~-,~a ~ oin~ ~ when he felt the City should keep properties~ rather than sell them off. Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing closed. Councilman Guick su~}gested~ s. hat happens if we zone all stated, this would be controlled tbroug}-~ the rental a~reement. Councilman England moved to accept 'the recommendations of the Land ~nu Development ~ ~ ' for change in Land Use District te General Cemmercial~ {0-2) for Let I~, (204 Hiway ~¥~. , Hi{l~wa,~ Subdivision. Lot 15, ~ 156 Hiwav Ave. ) and the ~ '- ~"~- 1 ~=~+ of Lot 14 ~cres Councilman Ounter seconded. A~a cotlnoil members vo~ed in favor ef nlot ica. 189 PUBLIC HEARING - An application by Gene Hancock~ 12367 N. Hawthorne for a Planned Unit Development~ (PUD)} Preliminary Development Plan with its aecompanyinv preliminary plat for Colonial Village Subdivision. Located between The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Da~ Saints and Cottonwood Cove on Quinn Road. Property is pz'esent]v zoned~ Limited Residential, Mayor Cotant declared the public hearing open. Staff report was presented to Council. Tim S~urtliff, 426 W, Lewis stated the application is proposing, north of Guinn Rd. between the LDS Church and Cottonwood Cove, a townhouse project~ ~ith six fourple×es and two duple~es. The units will be a common ownership. The common area will be maintained by a homeowners association. The roadway will be private~ self maintained, Emergency vehicle turn around concerns were discussed. ' ~ ~,.--oo, Hawt]~orne Rd. addressed building design, Mayor Cotant declared the pub!lo hearing c~osed. Councilman England moved tc accept the Land Use and Development Commission's recommendations to anprove the application b? Gene Hancock for a Planned Unit Development, {PUD), a chan~e in Land Use District to Dense Residential~ 4}~ a Prelimirary Plan with its accompanying preliminary piat for Colonial Vil].age Subdivision located between The Church of Jesus Christ of Lather DaM Saints building at Hawthorne and Quinn Roads and Cottonwood Cove Retirement Center on Quinn Road. Connci!man Quick seconded. Ail council members voted in favor of motion, WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC. - Jim Maurer, Waste Connections~ Inc. Site Manager was present stating Waste Connections had purchased Eastern Idaho BFI~ September 30~ 1997. Mr, Heurer stated nothing will change in the service. Mr. Maurer said Waste Connections, Inc. wants to have a Christmas Tree Clean Up Program. The~ will provide three roll off containers for s central drop off for Christmas Trees. ORDINANCE #476 - An ordinance annexing certain lands to be ~ucluded within the boundaries and jurisdictional limits of the City of Chubbuck~ Idaho specifying the zoning classification which shall be applied to said lands new~v aune×ed 'to the City of Chubbuck. -" 191 O~DINA~CE ~ -' - - ~416 (cont.] 1, 11352 N, 2. 11573 N~ 3. ].].952 N. 4, 11900 N, 5. 11942 N. Wbitaker Road [5500 Whitaker Road}. Whitaker Road (5273 Whitaker Road}. Whitaker Road {5590 Whitaker Roadi. Hiline Road [5555 Hiline BoadJ. Hiline Road (5575 Hi!ine Road}. Ordinance #476 was read on three occasions, one of which was in full, Counc:i]man England moved to adopt Ordinance #476 as read. Cot~nc,~lman Gunter seconded. Roll Call Vote: England, yes; Quick~ yesl Gunter, yes; Wood, a'es. - ORDINANCE - Amending Section 13.04.095 to provide that turn on/off fee haz. 1 be set froni~ hime to time by resolution of tile City of Chubbudc; amending Section 13.04 040 to provide for Mayor Cotant read ordinance by tJtIe, only for the first Council tabled ~ ~ , . :r',.~ ordinance until the November ~ Cc, unc~l ~{eetJng, 199 ! CLAIMS - Cc, mputer Print-out claims presented to Hayer ~ e Cosine J. 1 . ~,ot an ~, and At Couneilman Gunter- moved to approve computer print-out claims as presented. Councilman England seconded. All couneil members Voted in favor of motion, 9: 20 ~ ,m, ~ C. Oi.lnci]meri l~'c. od moved, Councilman wit]l full council ~ ....... ~ - aa~, ~.a~. to adjourn meeting. Ron C. Conlin, City