HomeMy WebLinkAbout0004 Coin Operated Amusement Devices 1951Y ,y ORDINANCE N0 AN OMINANCE PROVIDING FOi THE LICENSING BY THE VILLA? GE Or CHUBBUCK, � BANNOCK COUNTY$ IDAHO, OF COIN - OPERATED AMUSEMENT 3T D ICE AS M'.14 'INED BY i CHAPTER 15 OF TITLE 50$ IDAHO CODE; PROVIDING THE LICENSE FEES TO BE PAID ON EACH SUCH MACHINE OR L):�V'ICE AND THE AFPORTIt?Ni,& N'3: AND PAYIW_wNT 0111 THE PORTION TO Tail: STATE OF 1DA110 A24D BANNO04 COUNTY AS P]ROVIDLD BY Tffil< STATE LAW- PROVIDING REGMATIONS AND CC NTAOLS F OA THE OPLRATION OF SAID DEVICES AND LICENSING `I ::A ME; PROVIDING THE. FCl y G »` LICENSE OR S'T'AMP TO BE OBTAINLD AND D.ISF'LAY THEREOF AND. FOR CANC j LL!I T'.A ON THEREOF; PAOVIDIN'G FOR TIM FURNISHING OF r`OWAS FOR APPLICATION FOR LICENSES; PROVIDING FOR TIM FRO-RATING OF LICENSE FEES FOR `i11L GAU, --DAR YEAR; PROVIDING FOR THE 163U&,N'CE OF SMSTITUTE LICENSE IN CASE A DEVICE LICENSED IS BRU&L�;N OR DESTROYED OR HAS BLOObM, USELESS; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE .REVOCATION OF LICENSES AND POR NOTICE OF HEARING PRECEDING SUCH REVOCATIONS; AND REP.F<ALING ALL OTC :,R ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF 0.k'DINANC1_,Z' INSOFAR AS THLY ARE IN COR ILICT WITH TiIIS O.MINANCE BE IT 010AINED BY THE Ch AiiMAN AND BOARD. OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF CHUBBUCK, BANNOCK COUNTY, STA`IF, OF IDAHO$ SECTION lr It shall be lawful to operate within the Village of Chubbuck, Bannock Countyv Idaho„ coin- operated amusement devices as defined by Chapter 15 of Title 50s Idaho Code,, provided a license is .first obtained from the Village of Chubbuck, as provided in this Ordinance and the rules and regulations and provisions concerning the licensing and operation of the same as provided in this Ordinance,, and as provided in said Chapter 15 of Title 500 Idaho Code, are complied with. SECTION 2.* Before any such coin - operated amusement device :my be operated within the Village, an application. for a license for each such devices or devices, shall be filed with they Village Clerk of the Village of Chubbuck on an application form provided by they Village therefor, Said application fora shall. provide„ among other thinga p they following Informations The name of the applicant; the name of the place and location where it is proposed such coin - operated device or devices are to be operated; the number of such devices and the mtke, serial number., type of each such machine or device desired to be operated by the applicant at such, location; such application shall be sic .,ned and verified by the applicant., or if U­ie al.plication is made by a partners] -lip, then by one of t1de partners, o-1- if by a corpox-ation or association, then by an of.'Licer of such corporation or association. Such application shall be accoi:ipanilled by satisfactory documentary evidence that applicant is the owner of such coin-operated amusement device or devices. Such application shall be filed with the Villa Se Clerk before being presented to the applioat-Lons shall be,, of the Villa�e. of Chub or disapproval tnereof Board. Village board for .1"inal action. All such by the Clerk, reierred to the Villag .,e Marshall �)uc'.,,* and h-e shall endorse thereon his alill-roval before the same is presented to the Villa3a The Village Clork shall not receive tlle license fees herein- after provided for =ant 11 the applica Lion. ha s been approved by the .ion i-d of Trustces of the Village, Upon the app.roval of the application by the Villarye"Board .9 tle Village Clerk shall collect said license fees, and tz> upon the payment t1,.,-ereof shall issue t1he license stamp hereinafter provided for. Provided further no such coin-operated device shall be operated until there Mas been placed ti*iereon and cancelled the license stamp as provided by law. ` S'ECTION 3. The license ae re q-uired "or the obtaining of the licerise stamp for the operation of said coin-operated devices shall be the sum of 656400 foreach calendar year, which license fee shall be Pro-rated as be— inning I with the actual nonth of issue for the remainder E5 k� of the calendar year, and commencing ithp 1951, and the license fee shall include the license for the month in which the ssi,.io is issued,, pro- vidings however, the entire ariount of the license required for the :Mate of Idaho and for Bannock County shall be collected at the time of the Issuance of the licensep and that portion of tile; license f,ee foy, ti-).e Village of Chubbuck shall be collected quarterly on January 1, April 1 JVlY lo Said October 1 of each year. Provided, thrat In the -.,ear 11951 a sPec4.al license fee of v-S-0•75— per - .chiine shall be paid for the mont1k, Of i1ay, 0 and Jena, and t','aereaf ter such licenses shall be payable quarterly in advance corer encinf-; July 1st, 1951. 2 - Of the license fee So collected on each of such devices licensed, ��125*00 thereof or the pro-rata portion thereof,, if issued 1'or less than a full Calondar ycar* shall be collected for the State of Idaho and 4125*00 thereof* or the pro-rata portion thereof,, if issued for less t1ian a full calendar ,-ear,, skiall be collected for Ba-nnock county; and the balanc I e of as .d license fee, as collected quarterly, shall be dep- osited In the Seneral fund of the Village. Provided further ti-la t the innoneys so colle=cted by the Ville go for the -State of Idaho and t1ae Gvanty of Darnock' shall be deposited in !,cept in a spc.cial trust fund and ren-Littc-d to the State of Ilaho Find (and the County of Bannock quarterly on April lstp July 1st, October 1st r and January 1st of each year. ShCTION 4* The license issued -wnder this Ordinance shall be. in the form of a license stamp,, and a separate i icense must be issued for each coin-operated amusement device. The licensee immediately upon issuance thereof, s'nall securely affix the said staimp to the coin-operated ai-mase- ment device in a consFicuous place, and cancel the same by cutting it Criss-cross vith a s1iarp instrument. 3,iwCTION 5. (a) No license shall ti%ansjfelr to any other 'porson such licenses SO issued, or transfer the licensed devices to any location other t7 .n the one orii�:Lnaily auth.orlzed therefor.. without making application to tho Chaizrr:ian and Bon-rd of T ustees for such transfer, and obtaining, the approval therefor. (b) The Cft pi �� man and Board of Tr",tees y authorize the transfer of such a license from one person to another or from one location to another,, and if such transfer is so autl,.orized by the Char r.,nan and Board of Trustees, a transfer fee of w1*00 for each srch license transferred. shall be collected by the Village Clerk preceding such transfer. (c) No license stamp shall be used on any device other than the one for which said license stamp is issued; provided., -r.i.owever, the Village •*lerk'may issue a substitute license upon Presentation to the Villailse of a s,-�iorn Afl .davit shot,v,_Ing such device to wive becoxme wholly or in panr�j, worn outs accidentally broken or accidentally destrOWeds to such an extent t1lat it is rendered useless. The substitute license s1lall be issued by the Gl--rk in the nanner the same as tie one orlZinally Issueds, and shall be des-1-1--.natod a slWostitute license, and bear upon It the word of the on -Inal and the number - 3 - license* auch substituted license shall be affixed to the device for vhich it Is issucdp and be cancelled in all respects as required by law for an original license* rhM on ,inal license stamp shall then be void* S.'SCTION 6# A1.A70CA'J1.'10N .;IUM GANCEMMON. -- If any licensee of a coin - operated amusement device violates any of the provisions of this Ordinance, Or is convicted of violating any of the provisions o1' said Chapter 15 of Title 50, Idano Co,'3ep the Chairrsian and Bo:-,trd of Trustees of the Village of Chubbuck ape hereby autnorized top and empowered to revoiil_-e ,3LJJ licenses to Operate such devices isznwd to said licensee; provided, lliovieverp that in the event It is broi,,,«ht to the atten- tion of the Clla�irrman f_lxnd Board of Trustees tl'1�vt such violation or vio- lations have tal.Cen Chair.man and Boara served upon such 1: Places, tliers brfore rcvc1�,cjn,­. souch, li_­en-css, the I of Trustoes oz-lall ctzm.se a notice in writin,- to be Lce.-asee settirV forth in general terms the viol.- tions cLalmcd to cxtst or to 'flave existedj, and sizch notice shall 'providle a time for hCaring thereon before -the Chairllean and Board of lrri-%sters ;,)`)ich data of YtearitnZr.. shall not be less, th�.n ten (10) days nor nore than twenty (20), days from the date of sez.-vi.ce of such notices, and upon or following said hearings, the Chairman and Borird of Truste=es upon finding tlr-,Lt the Provisions of this Girdinance, or the provisions of said State Law, said Chapter 15, of Title 50, Idaho I Code., have been violated by such licensees, shall revoke all such licenses issued to Such licensee, and ,no refund or any unused portion of the license fee paid shall be made to the licensee. SECTION 7. Any violation of the provisions of this Ordinance., the penalty for Which 13 not provided for by said Chapter 15 of Title 50P Idaho Code., z-i)all constitute a misdezmeanor, and any person so vlol-.�tlnG such provisions shall be Luilty of a misdemeanors, and upon conviction thereof shall be' fined not to exceed i"P"100.00j, and upon fail-are to pay. such 1"Me shall be cor;Lmitted to the custody of the Mars,-4all and confined in the Vill !.'-!;e Jail at the. rate of N,1.50 per day until such finc is paid in full, SECTION S. TIvit all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances insofar - 4 - as they are in conflict herew iths, be,, and the same are hereby repealed, SECTION 9, This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage* approval and publication, as required by law* PASSLD this V16 day of Mays 1951, APPROVED this 11. day of May, 1951. SLAL a, kjnA+pLAjftB 01- rme .5oara orgrustess OF the Village of Chiab ck• 5