HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 State of the City Address409t a o?Aubbuel y -�� PS3 JJ_klj_� - ' ` One year ago I initiated the practice o4 opening city couv�cit meeting with prayex. We have to some degree 4oUowed this proeedutte however we have not aewa.yz been able to �secuAe membeu o� the cte%gy 6or tw a/s6ignment. I would hope we can continue this program more �succe�s�s4uty in the coming year. 5160 Yellowstone Avenue Chubbuck, Idaho 83202 � (208) 237 -2400 C CITY PRIDE Office of the mayor butt city today continues to enjoy a good 4inanciae position. We continue to keceive compe.i.ments ass to oust book - keeping and method o4 accountabitity. Duct phy�s.icat pta.nt tis baret y aeeomodating outs needs as to o 44.ice space both here .i,n. the genexat o�4ice and the pot ice .stti,on. I �sha.2.e. Aeview this with you in a 4 ew minutes. A yeast ago I outti,ned ehange/s we Mould need initiate in water, sanitation and �sewa ttate�s. youtt city councit ha/s ttev.iewed these needed changes and namde- �imptemented the needed inerease/s and fleet at the present time we are chan.ginq the .lowest tta �te/s po s,6 ibt e to keep thets e uti icy �s erv.ice/s 4.inanci Pt y ,solvent and provide the revenue to continue with upkeep and ,improvements. We- 6(,.e --sue. We tat ked a yeah. ago o4 ordeA i,ng a new 4iiLe engine. This engine has aAA ived in the past month - -a beauti.6ul machine - - and .increases the 4i&e depaktments capacity to meet any 4i to er i�s-i�s that could axise in our city and area. I taped o6 outs desiAe to have a swimming pool in Chubbuck. We �s�.i.0 seek the necmzan.y method to bring this putt�suit to a �succe/s�s4u2 eoncZuts.ion. Hope - {uUy this next year wiU see ztA.i.des toward aecompt i�shing this goat. I again ,suggest M. N,ietd and I �setect a committee o� intere/sted citizens to hemp in this endeavor. We tacked o4 needed expansion in outs. pa/,Lks to accomodate anothe)t baseba t �)ietd. This �I i.etd ha/s been seeded and WiU be ready �oA �s ervice 1983 season. In thus past yeast we weAe able to convince the estate o{ otvt need 6oA a eomptete ,s,ignat system at the .inteuection o� Chubbuck Road and yeUow�stone. We have that /system .in/statted and 4unctioning. We have curb and Is�i,dewatk wo&k yet to &t y a &Au�buocl 5160 Yellowstone Avenue Chubbuck, Idaho 83202 (208) 237 -2400 CZZD Office of the mayor be completed and this zhoued be done in this next summer. We ate schedueed 4or eemp conzt,%uction ob the Yettomtone highway in 1984 and the Quinn ovet- p"s shoutd 4ottow in 1985. Hope4uUy with additionat 4edettat 4unding these pto j ect6 may be teat ized be4ote that ,dime. We hoed out breath and hope we .give tong enough to zee thae two ptojects eompee-ted. Looking ahead to 1983 in ateas that I have not a-etteady reviewed: I pteviousty indicated a need to ,inetteafse the eity Size o�j the pt"ent city o4jice. The po.e ice ome patticueaAt y to a tight squeeze:. They have 4ueey uti e ized the zmatt house they ate now housed in.- -bath upzta u and down. The downztaiAz attea hats become very musty and ptobtemz with mildew as it is not watet tight. The addition o4 vatc,i,outs poeiee ptogttaw have caused that we have va6tf-y out - gtown this 4ac ie ity. Cut city genera e o44 ice atzo is butg.ing with the eng.ineett and building inzpeetot and atte that go with these depatrtments needing mote room. And at6o the genetat city o44iee, where we pay out city utit ty bim needs .imptov.ing to enable a mote e44icient opettation. We thetteJore, the eounc it and mayor, ate putrsuing the po'S'S ibit ty o4 an addition to our city a46 ice--one that woued provide a new home dot the pot ice, an enlarged o 4 jice 4or the eng.ineett ing depatctment and the building .iu peetot and atzo .inetr.ease the attea o6 the genetcae city o44ice. We ate tnvati.gati.n vatt.iows means to�jinance this expanz on with the hope we coued pay 4ot the bui eding upon compeetion of a tease pwtcha�se option with three payments. The ptans 6or thi6 addition cute avai&bte 4or your. petusal and comment. Out tectteat on ptogttams continue to grow. They ate we believe wotith evetty cent we expend. Out titte.e teaga.e batsebaU ,i6 the best in the aftea. Footbatt and soccett ate becoming ineteastngty mote popu2att. The gi4tz baseball pttogftam -ins zuccess�)ue but does beat mote concern and c/ssistance atom out level.. Out majot tack o�j &ecteationat 4acit ty is a swimming pool- -and we shale accomplish this. 2 &t y a o?Aubbucl 5160 Yellowstone Avenue Chubbuck, Idaho 83202 (208) 237 -2400 CZ=D Office of the mayor We continue to maintain out stAeets . Funds in this at ea ate t imm,ited and we ate hope4ue the Ike e cent inetease in gas and juet tax w tt ptov,i.de an inct ease in these 4unA. HoweveA out s.,Aeets ate ba scatty in good condition and we have an on going ptogtam to tezut4ace as many btocks each yeat ass money wilt. allow. In 1982 we appointed a city beauti4ieati.on committee with the as.signment to 4.ind a way to imptove the geneta2 appeatance o4 the city. I can tepmt to you these peopte have done a tkemendouz fob. P4ttz. Vo.ta Etchedge is ehaurpeuon and is ably "sisted by Louise W P.P,ingham- -and many otheu have given o6 theit time to ",si,5t in thin ptolect. Theitc e4 ioAts suppoAted by city en6otcement o A uat i.ows otd-i.nanees and mote .impotrtantt y the dMite i oA peopte n out community to eo®opettate in ef-eaning up out city have made a teak -imptovement. Some ate" stitt. etude the ctean up des.ut - -otd habit's ,stiU pteva-i f-- -we need to eontine the ptoject to ,iwsti.2,2 Chubbuck Pttide in evetyone. PA.i.mattity out greatest eyesone is yettowztone avenue .it6et4 - -outc main .stteet we ate going to be v,iziti,ng with these ptopetty ownettts and ,suggesting ways o4 imptoving theiA ptopet tim and hopej tty we can gain thei,t. suppotjt. We sot.icit youtc zuppottt - -we need your& suggestions and we need you& co- opetation i6 we ate going to make out city a place o4 beauty. We have a unique oppoAtunity 4ot 4ututce growth, an entitcety new city eentet w.%tt, deve.2op as time paszes and the otd.inancets ate in ptaee to Aequittte an otdek y and beauti4ue development. W tnesz the Pinen idge matt and the gteen ate" they were tequ,itted to ptov,i.de - -it " beauti4ut. I am, with the apptcovat o4 the eounci.e membeu teappo-inting each o4 you to your ptaent city az zignment with a eoupte o4 additions. TheteAot I suggest the 4ottowing: K,inghotn---- Potice, Water and SeweA Quick ------- StAeets, sanitation and city up to SEICA Hopk ins - - - -Fite Depatttment and Chubbuck. PA de Committee Nietd ------- Patk,6 and AecAeat.ion and eouncit. rep on .land use committee I tequat we continue to Beep tuesday evenings open 404 council mee't'ing needs Ot y a eAu�bucl 5160 Yellowstone Avenue Chubbuck, Idaho 83202 (208) 237 -2400 C:Z:D Office of the mayor We witt not meet eveAy tuesday night but as needed and I see a gAeat need 4oA addi ti.onat meetings in the immediate 4utune. I a-so wtitt seek your appAovae 4oA a change in the Land use committee- -the same numbelc o4 membeu howeveA that we inceude two instead o4 the ptuent one 4AOm outside city t i.mits . This wilt at tow ups to add an individual 4Aom the T yhee area to this group. and 14ee.2 we need the.input o f that area in ouA pta.nn i.ng and zoning. I have asked Detective Rowtando4 the Chubbuck potice depaAtment to make a AepoAt on potice activities 4ottowing this manage. I want each o6 you to know that IwoALk with the 4ine,6t people in ouA city on thtis city councit. We have been bteued with outstanding councit membeu thAOUgh the yeaAJs and the city hays pugtezzed " a tc.ezu,Pt. I took 4oAwaAd to 1983 and anticipate it is going to be the tuna around yeah 4oA AmeAica and the Ametcican economy. I took 4ouuAd to selt.ving with each o4 you - -and aU city emptoyec6--4utQ time and votunteeu. Thank you